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StarPro SPG-DOG Artificial Dog Grass

$2.99 /sq. ft.

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  • IDEAL for pet areas, backyards or sports areas where short grass is desired
  • COLOR - forest green thin blades with tan thatch.
  • BEST FOR PETS - designed to wash away dog waste easily. Thin blades with short height plus our Max-Flo backing with increased drainage make this the best dog grass available.
  • HEIGHT - 1.125 inch
  • DENSITY - 60 ounce face weight, 82 ounce gross weight (see "How To Compare Grass" below)
  • BACKING - Max-Flo with superior draining
  • LOW MAINTENANCE - No mowing, weeding, fertilizing or watering, ever!

SPG-DOG was designed for pet lawns, dog breeder’s pens, and outdoor kennels. The special Max-Flo backing with drainage everywhere in the backing provides much greater drainage than typical artificial grass backing which has only a few holes per square foot. This makes it easy for rainfall or a garden hose to flush away dog waste, as do the shorter height blades. But it also makes attractive lawns, and often is used for an entire back yard, with the front yard covered with a taller artificial turf wherever dogs aren’t a concern.

StarPro's Max-Flo Backing has drainage holes everywhere making our artificial grass your best choice for pet-friendly lawns. Dog waste easily drains with rainfall or a garden hose because MAX-Flo drains 6+ inches of water per minute!

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How To Measure?

Rolls are 15 feet wide; therefore turf is sold in 15 foot increments. Choose your custom length. Example: If you need a 10' x 15' strip, enter quantity 150 to get one 10 x 15 ft. strip = 150 sq. ft. Please call (888) 782-7776 for design or calculation assistance.


Shipping Info

Shipping is calculated at checkout.  All turf rolls are shipped via freight with curbside delivery.

SHIPPING INSPECTION - Please inspect your turf package carefully before accepting delivery from the shipping carrier. Small tears in the plastic wrap are acceptable, but make sure the turf is not damaged. If the turf is damaged, do not accept and tell the shipper you are rejecting due to shipping damage. Please take a photo and email it to info@starprogreens.com


How to Compare Grass

Quality is best with higher grass blade height and density (total  face weight in a square yard, measured in ounces.)
Grass Use Pets $
Blade Density
SPG-B Golf Border Yes $2.99 1.1" 60oz
SPG-80 Yards Yes $3.15 1.5" 60oz
SPG-90 Yards No $3.25 1.7" 65oz
SPG-100 Yards No $3.33 1.8" 75oz
SPG-US Yards Yes $3.49 1.5" 90oz
Yes $2.99 1.1" 60oz

INSTALLATION - Read or download How To Install Artificial Grass. Here's a summary: Cut any existing grass with a weed eater to the soil. Remove debris. Adjust soil to desired grade and compact. Add 2" of 3/8" minus gravel screenings, meaning your gravel supplier has passed gravel through a 3/8" screen so only the smallest pieces pass through. This mix has small particles as well as gravel up to 3/8" and every size in between. You'll need about 12 pounds of gravel per square foot. Use a concrete rake or drag a 3-foot 2x4 across the gravel to level it where needed. Do not use pea gravel or sand. This gravel base will promote drainage and provide a smooth surface. Compact the gravel base with a water-filled roller or plate compactor rented from your home store. Use a hand tamper for small areas. Artificial grass comes in 15-foot wide rolls and the manufacturing process causes blades to lean in one direction (the grain). Before you cut grass into pieces, plan your cuts so when all pieces are laid side by side their grain always faces the same direction to avoid obvious seams. Plan ahead by making a drawing of your lawn area to calculate how to cut grass to keep the grain in one direction. Synthetic grass can be cut with a razor knife or carpet knife (best if cut from the back side). Grass pieces are joined with seam tape. Click to read How To Seam Artificial Grass Turf with photos showing how to use StarPro seam tape and tubes of Liquid Nails Fuze It All Surface Construction Adhesive. Let adhesive dry before staking grass in the next step. For soft or sandy soil, nail the grass edges every 6 to 12 inches using nylon or plastic 8” landscape spikes or 6” metal nails that are galvanized to deter rusting. For hard soil you can nail edges every 12 inches using landscape spikes or galvanized 4” nails. Add extra nails in high traffic areas. Use a soft rake, brush, or power rake against the grain to stand the grass blades up. Infilling the synthetic turf with sand is not required, but it is recommended. Adding sand into the artificial turf will increase the support of the grass blades, standing them straighter, plus it adds softness and weight to the synthetic turf, and extends the life. The amount of sand to add depends on the grass blade height. 1.5″ grass needs 1.5 pounds per square foot of sand, and 2″ needs 3  pounds per square foot.

MADE IN THE USA with 100% American materials with the best quality, durability and 8 year factory warranty.

ECO-FRIENDLY - Our turfs surpass all Federal and CA Proposition 65 Standards, and our factories qualify for multiple “Green” initiatives. State and local incentives are available in many areas so check with your water company or local municipality.

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